Managing the Evolving Changes
“The MEEM program helped me to connect those dots of what I know and what I have learned and will continue to learn. There is still so much more to keep learning. But it also puts me in a position of authority because I’ve done the work and I have something to show for it. I am always an advocate for educating yourself in general. Education is something that no one can take away from you, and educating yourself puts you in a position to grow. It’s like that adage ‘When you know better, you do better.’ Taking on this Master’s degree is like accessing those keys to knowledge. It puts me in the position to learn more, to do more, and to look at things from different perspectives.” – Tyreese Stephenson, Online Master’s of Energy and Environmental Management (MEEM), Graduate Spring 2024
Managing the Evolving Changes
With expertise in electrical engineering and construction management, Tyreese Stephenson embraces a full project approach to management. Recognizing the shifting transitions in the energy sector, Tyreese wanted to educate himself more on renewable energy. Recently completing the Online Master’s of Energy and Environmental Management (MEEM) program at the University of Connecticut (UConn), Tyreese now feels empowered with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage and plan for the evolving changes – and to one day help inspire the changes needed to enable a more sustainable energy future.
Preparing for change
Tyreese is Assistant Project Manager at Burns & McDonnell, a construction, architecture, and engineering firm involved in energy transmission and distribution. With experience in transmission, substation, natural gas, and underground electrical projects, Tyreese was interested in diving into learning more about renewable energy. As Tyreese explains, “For ten years now, I have been working in transmission, distribution, substation scopes of work and wanted to move more to renewables. I wanted to be prepared for where the industry is moving to. Renewables are intermittent and they are not within the space right now where we can rely on them a hundred percent, so we are going to still need to use fossil fuels to create energy. But from a management standpoint, I was really interested in understanding from a holistic point of view how these sectors within energy are evolving and how we can manage them from the most accurate place possible. So, I started to investigate educating myself on what’s coming up within the renewable space.”
Searching the internet, Tyreese discovered the Online Master’s of Energy and Environmental Management (MEEM) program at UConn. Beginning the 30-credit program in August 2022, Tyreese recently graduated in May 2024. In tandem with earning his Master’s, Tyreese also earned the 12-credit Sustainable Environmental Planning and Management (SEPM) Graduate Certificate.
Full project approach
With his first Master’s in Engineering Management (2017) and his Bachelor’s in Construction Management (2011), earning this second Master’s degree fit perfectly into the larger theme of Tyreese’s educational and professional journey: “It is a theme to basically encompass a full project approach to management: from the origins of the engineering aspect and then the construction, and this layer of energy and environment management would be the subject matter. So, understanding about the state and federal laws that utilities need to abide by in order to provide service to a customer, and understanding the details of incorporating that into the planning phases and processes.”
An advocate for continuous learning, Tyreese is also a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and LEED Green Associate, and he has completed the OSHA-30 training in construction health and safety. Even travel has become an opportunity for Tyreese to expand his knowledge of renewable energy: “I like to travel. I’ve been to Iceland and have seen how a large percentage of their electricity is created from geothermal technology, which is using the earth’s core to heat water in order to create steam, which turns the turbine to generate electricity, which moves into the transmission lines. So, I have seen and understand that component. And I just came back from Australia, where solar is heavily used out in certain locations.”
Flexibility to tailor degree path
For Tyreese, a major strength of the program is the holistic approach that integrates knowledge across disciplines. “The program is not just management-based or scientific-based or law-based; there’s this integrated effort of getting to know how all those components work together. So, understanding that these laws may impact these sets of customers or individuals. Then we also explored not just how this takes place in the U.S., but also globally. So, then you start looking at things like the Paris Climate Agreement or the collaborative effort between the U.S. and China.”
With only three required core courses (9 credits), Tyreese appreciates that students have the flexibility to tailor their degree path to suit their own specific interests and aspirations. “I would probably say even though my approach was to get a taste of everything, you can make it specific to management-based topics, or you can do GIS-based topics (geographic information systems), or just the environmental law component. Depending on how you want to do it, it’s kind of like four separate degree paths, where you can focus on this whole-program approach or on one or more of the three specific areas of concentration. And you are given the opportunity to explore different subject matter within renewable energy. You can look at geothermal; you can look at solar, offshore wind, nuclear, as well as looking at what went wrong with the Keystone XL pipeline that was going from Canada down to the U.S. and how the environment was impacted by oil spills. So, it’s not just one set program; there is a lot of diversity within the program.”
Collaborating with peers
Even though the program is completely online, Tyreese says there were opportunities to connect and collaborate with his peers. “In some classes, we worked with a partner or group for some assignments. So, with that, you can develop a rapport with your fellow students. The only challenge is when I’m in Connecticut and a fellow student is in Las Vegas and we have to coordinate those time periods. Also, with some of the law classes, we were able to go to campus and attend the rallies or law-based seminars. They had a conference that was at the Hartford Science Center. I went to that, and it was great to see the staff and faculty, as well as other students. They had specific booths set up geared towards renewable energy. So even to understand what is going on within Connecticut and the tri-state area was great.”
Tyreese describes one of the group projects he was involved in with his peers. “We did a project where we discussed installing solar in Hartford, Connecticut. Each team member got to break down and cover a subject within that topic. Someone did permitting of solar. Someone did the longevity of solar. Another person did placement. I focused on what to do with the solar panels at the end of their useful life. We brought together those different components that we all worked on separately to design a plan for how to move forward with solar.”
Win-win decision-making
Of the many courses Tyreese enjoyed, one that has been particularly impactful is NRE 5205 – Decision Methods in Natural Resources and the Environment. “The environmental decision-making class was especially helpful because although it was based around environmental subjects, it can be used for anything. We went through the process of breaking down how to make a decision, which for some people may seem elementary, but it teaches you how to create win-win situations. There are so many components you may miss when you’re just trying to get things done. The course lays out the steps of the process, and it gives you the opportunity to basically be clearer in how you are communicating. You can use those same frameworks for subject matter that is not environmentally based, such as working within a substation or collaborating with a fellow stakeholder who has a difference of opinion. The course really helps you get down to the root of creating a win-win situation.”
Knowing how everything works
As a manager, Tyreese values hands-on knowledge that will benefit his capacity to make better-informed decisions, so another course that stands out for him is GEOG 5500 – Fundamentals of Geographic Information Science. “There was an opportunity to use GIS, which is a mapping program. For me, being in management, I want to be able to manage certain aspects of a project from a space of knowledge and not just providing a directive. So, actually getting hands-on with that program benefits me. If I assign someone to do the task of creating a GIS map, I now know how much effort it takes to complete that task, so then I can plan accordingly as far as cost or management or the type of specific details that I need the images to have. Ultimately, for me, I like to know how everything works so I can make a proper decision.”
Weaving the components together
One requirement of the MEEM program is to complete either an Internship (NRE 5830) or a Practicum (NRE 5850). For Tyreese’s practicum project, he examined the components of installing solar at Colt Park in Hartford, Connecticut. This gave him the opportunity to apply and synthesize the core concepts of his learning as he wove all the components together with his previous knowledge and experience. “I went out to the park and did a walk-around to see what the layout of the park was currently, and to determine if solar would benefit the surrounding area as well as the environment. I looked at how the park could be turned into a mixed-use space. If we installed solar canopies, they could shelter cars, reducing their carbon footprint by lowering the fuel they need for heating and cooling. There is also a school that is located within the area. So, if we powered the school with solar panels, it would also reduce its reliance on fossil fuels. From a construction and engineering perspective, refurbishing the existing canopies could save both time and money in completing the project. By thoroughly understanding each phase of the project, we can enhance the likelihood of support and cooperation from all stakeholders, leading to greater buy-in for future projects of this nature.”
Envisioning the possibilities for rippling benefits to the community, Tyreese continues, “It would be a great opportunity to bring in the local school and teach kids about STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), in addition to possibly collaborating with the Connecticut Science Center for other learning opportunities. This could get more people from the community involved, which would increase the use of the park. People need to get out of the house and connect with nature more because it has the capacity to improve mental stability and overall health. So, as you see, all the components connect along the line. You start with one thing, and then you just keep going. You see the possibilities of it, but you also acknowledge the connective tissue between everything.”
Inspiring change
As Tyreese explains, there is a lot at stake regarding the increasing global energy demand and the progress needed to protect the future. “Sustainability means ensuring that we have enough resources to meet the needs of today without compromising the needs of future generations. We are on the brink of incorporating more renewable energy sources into our energy mix, but we must also ensure that we are making progress toward reducing our carbon footprint in other industries. As the cost of building new renewable energy sources decreases, our reliance on fossil fuels for production will also diminish. However, we must address our growing energy demand. It seems that we will continue to consume energy until we reach a point of depletion. This is why it is essential for more individuals to take a stand on these issues, and I believe I can help inspire the necessary changes.”
Tyreese is already envisioning what inspiring change could look like in the future: “At some point, I would like to teach. We will see when that time comes since I am still early in my career. Teaching does not always have to happen in a classroom, as we learned during the pandemic. It could take many forms, such as TED Talks, podcasts, YouTube videos, speaking at events, or engaging in environmental activism. There are so many different opportunities to teach and inspire change.”
Reflecting on his journey, Tyreese adds, “The MEEM program helped me to connect those dots of what I know and what I have learned and will continue to learn. There is still so much more to keep learning. But it also puts me in a position of authority because I’ve done the work and I have something to show for it. I am always an advocate for educating yourself in general. Education is something that no one can take away from you, and educating yourself puts you in a position to grow. It’s like that adage ‘When you know better, you do better.’ Taking on this Master’s degree is like accessing those keys to knowledge. It puts me in the position to learn more, to do more, and to look at things from different perspectives.”

Advancing a Sustainable Future
“The MEEM program exposes you to a lot of different aspects of the industry. I don’t think there are many programs that give you the opportunity to focus on the legal side in the way that this program does, but also the GIS side and the sustainability side. So that was cool to be able to take classes directly from UConn’s School of Law, but also get the science side of it as well.” – Deanna Sassorossi, Online Master’s of Energy and Environmental Management (MEEM), Graduate Fall 2023
Advancing a Sustainable Future
Deanna Sassorossi is passionately engaged in the energy and environmental industry and working toward a sustainable future. Not only has she been recognized as an “ascending leader” in the field, but she has a history of supporting the growth of others. As a recent graduate from the Online Master’s of Energy and Environmental Management (MEEM) at the University of Connecticut (UConn), Deanna says the program has been valuable in deepening her knowledge, expanding her skillsets, and broadening her perspective of the field.
Ascending leader
Deanna has a history of industry involvement and supporting the growth of professionals across multiple communities, with a special emphasis on rising professionals in the energy and environmental sectors. She serves as a Board Member and DEI Co-Chair for New England Women in Energy and the Environment (NEWIEE), and as Vice Chair of the Environmental Business Council of New England Ascending Professional Committee. She has also served on the Advisory Board for the Council on Women in Energy & Environmental Leadership (CWEEL), as a member of Out in Energy, a professional network for LGBTQI+ people working in energy and the environment, and participated in the Conexión Early Career Professionals Program, a mentoring and leadership program for Hispanic and Latino professionals.
It is no wonder that she has been recognized as a stellar leader in her field! In 2022, Deanna was named a recipient of the Environmental Business Council of New England Ascending Leader Award, which recognizes young professionals in the energy and environmental sectors demonstrating exceptional leadership and industry involvement early in their careers.
The right time
Pursuing a graduate degree was always part of Deanna’s career plan. After graduating with her BS in Natural Resources from North Carolina State University, and working as an environmental scientist for three years, the time felt right. “I’ve always wanted to go to grad school. I knew it would be a part of my career. At the time in 2019, it was three years after undergrad, so I just felt like it was a good time in my life to take that on. It was something that I always wanted to do, and I worked for a company that offered tuition reimbursement. So, there were just a lot of different factors pointing me into now’s a good time to do this.”
Immersed in a full-time career, the flexibility of an online asynchronous program was an essential requirement for Deanna. Searching the internet, she discovered the Online Master’s of Energy and Environmental Management (MEEM) program at UConn. Deanna began the 30-credit program in fall 2019, and pacing herself with one class per semester, recently graduated in fall 2023. Along the way, she also earned the Sustainable Environmental Planning & Management Certificate in spring 2022.
The interdisciplinary perspective provided through the program’s holistic approach was a highlight for Deanna. “The MEEM program exposes you to a lot of different aspects of the industry. I don’t think there are many programs that give you the opportunity to focus on the legal side in the way that this program does, but also the GIS side and the sustainability side. So that was cool to be able to take classes directly from UConn’s School of Law but also get the science side of it as well.”
Supportive faculty
While Deanna appreciated the engagement and support of all her professors, there were a couple that stood out for her, such as Vincent Pace, instructor for the required law course, Energy Regulation and Policy (LAW 7812). “The faculty were great to work with. They were all very flexible and timely and responsive. I especially appreciated the ones who were really engaged in the discussion posts, such as Professor Pace. He always responded to my posts, which was nice.”
Another professor that stands out for Deanna is Amber Stone, instructor of the course Energy Law and the Courts: Renewables, the Grid, and FERC (LAW 7356). “My last semester, I took a higher-level law class that was really challenging, and I was in the MEEM program, not a law student. The professor was just really willing to help me. I was always at her online office hours and asking for help. I asked her to review my outline for the final paper, and she was just really generous with her time because I needed a lot of handholding in that class.”
Growing her career in leaps and bounds
Throughout her time in the program, Deanna’s growth in learning was mirrored in the growth of her evolving career. The first major leap happened about halfway through the program. As Deanna explains, “When I started the program, I was working in environmental permitting at Eversource. Then in in 2021, I moved from the environmental permitting group at Eversource, to the sustainability group also at Eversource. I was able to say that I was pursuing the Sustainable Environmental Planning and Management Graduate Certificate. It was helpful to have something to point to showing that although I didn’t have sustainability experience, I was pursuing this MEEM degree and graduate certificate that has sustainable in the title. This program was my only formal education in sustainability, so that was valuable.”
Just a couple months before graduating, Deanna made another major leap in her career, as she stepped into her new role as Principal Sustainability Analyst at Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). “EPRI is a nonprofit energy resource organization. We’ve got about 1200 employees all over the world. We’re focused on energy research to advance the clean, affordable, safe, and reliable production and delivery of electricity for the public benefit. I work on the sustainability research team. So, I conduct research and develop tools and resources to support electric power companies in advancing sustainability. I love it!”
While highly qualified by her wealth of experience, Deanna says adding the MEEM credential to her resume was a definite advantage. “EPRI is very focused on energy companies in the electric power sector, so to be two months away from having a degree that has energy in the title was a definite resume-builder.”
In addition to enhancing her resume, Deanna explains that she acquired an important skillset in the program that complemented her prior experience and enhanced her preparation for her new role. “At Eversource, I did a lot of executive summaries of issues in the energy and sustainability sector. And now at EPRI, writing technical executive summaries is still an aspect of my work, but another aspect of my work as a researcher at EPRI is to do more of the long-form writing, the technical reports. So, when I was interviewing at EPRI, I remember talking about honing those two different skillsets: the shorter executive summaries through my work at Eversource, and the longer technical reporting through my work in the graduate program.”
Deep dive into timely topic
One requirement of the program is to complete either an internship (NRE 5830) or a practicum (NRE 5850). For Deanna’s practicum project she chose to do a deep dive into a topic that has great relevance to her ongoing work. As Deanna explains, “I focused on the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) ruling, which is a really timely issue in the sustainability world, especially with energy companies. There was a proposal out from the SEC to require companies of a certain size to report their scope 3 emissions, which is huge. It would require them to disclose, along with their other financial filings, detailed information on climate change. I did a deep dive into that and the opinions from different stakeholders. That definitely applied to my work at Eversource and my work at EPRI. It’s a topic that a lot of people care about, and it was good to be able to take the time to do a deep dive on it.” She adds, “The SEC just announced this week that they scaled back some of the regulations.”
Broader insight into industry
In addition to diving deep, Deanna appreciates the broader insights she gained into the industry that have expanded her perspective. “I learned a lot about the way the energy markets are cleared and FERC and things like that that I hadn’t known about, even though I worked in the energy industry. I don’t think a lot of people know that kind of information. It helped me get more insight into how the energy industry operates on a broader scale, beyond my little specific lane. That’s not a skill that everybody has: the ability to see the full picture. People are experts in a very narrow thing and having a bigger picture provides a different perspective.”

Thomas (Tom) Dougherty
Online Master’s of Energy and Environmental Management (MEEM), Graduate Spring 2023
Shifting Paths and Opening Doors
“If you’ve graduated with a degree from a different field but you’re passionate about the environment, definitely go for it. You’re going to be in good hands. At first, I was kind of apprehensive, but it was definitely the right choice. It opened a huge door in my career path. I think this program will carry anyone into a good path.” – Thomas (Tom) Dougherty, Online Master’s of Energy and Environmental Management (MEEM), Graduate Spring 2023
Shifting Paths and Opening Doors
Thomas (Tom) Dougherty is passionate about helping his community. He is also passionate about the environment. Even though his undergraduate degree was in an unrelated field, Tom took the leap to pursue an environmental career path by enrolling in the Online Master’s of Energy and Environmental Management (MEEM) program at the University of Connecticut (UConn). Recently graduating, Tom is now deeply immersed in a career he loves, combining his dual passions as he works to support environmental change in his community.
After graduating with a BA in Sociology and minor in Criminal Justice, Tom realized he was not actually interested in pursuing a career in that field. As an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) for seven years, Tom knew he was passionate about helping his community. He also knew he was passionate about the environment, and he began wondering how he could bring these passions together: “I always wanted to make a difference, so I really started looking into environmental career paths because that’s something I’ve always been passionate about, and it’s a way to help your community on a macro level.”
Researching online, Tom discovered the Online Master’s of Energy and Environmental Management (MEEM) program at UConn. From that first moment of reaching out to explore the possibility, Tom felt supported by Dr. Chadwick (Chad) Rittenhouse, director of the program, in navigating his potential pathways. “I talked to Chad. He guided me through the process of whether I should get the full graduate degree or just that smaller, 4-course Sustainable Environmental Planning and Management (SEPM) Certificate. We came to the conclusion that the Master’s program would be more beneficial because I didn’t have a background in the environmental world. I think that decision really was the right one because it was more comprehensive for me, especially as someone who had never encountered the environmental field in the past.”
Professors flexible and understanding
Taking the leap, Tom began the 30-credit Master’s program in spring 2021, recently graduating in spring 2023. The fact that the program is completely online made it an ideal fit for Tom, enabling him to continue to work full-time as an EMT. While initially apprehensive about juggling school, work and life, Tom says the flexibility and support provided by his professors made everything manageable. “I was taking two classes per semester; one semester it was three classes. But I was able to work 40 hours, sometimes more, and still get these classes done. The professors were flexible and understanding if anything came up. I think they really understand that when you take a Master’s program, you’re also dealing with life, so they do a great job adapting to everyone’s needs.”
Personally tailored support from faculty
Throughout the program, Tom felt supported by the faculty in ways that enhanced his capacity to learn more deeply. “All the professors were very supportive. They definitely took the time to make sure you knew what you were doing. They didn’t just grade something; they actually talked you through it if you needed help. They gave you opportunities to revise your work, and they were very reasonable. I think that’s a better strategy to get people to genuinely learn and figure out what they’re doing.”
Tom especially appreciated the level of personalized guidance he received from his advisor. “The advisor meetings were very helpful and felt very personal as well, especially with him knowing that I was brand new to the environmental field. They really get to know you and figure out what is best for you. My advisor, Chad, was able to talk to me for an hour at a time if I needed about what paths I could go down. There are so many paths in the environmental field, and he talked me through that based on my passions.”
Valuable learning from peers via online discussion
While the program is completely asynchronous, students participate in weekly discussion forums via the HuskyCT/Blackboard platform. For Tom, these discussions enhanced his learning on multiple levels. “Blackboard gave me the opportunity to discuss the assignments with my classmates and my professor in a productive manner. I think those discussion boards really offered an opportunity to develop our knowledge, because you’re hearing from everybody else, not just doing your work and posting it.”
While Tom was new to the environmental field, many of his peers were not. So the discussion board became an opportunity to learn not just in terms of content, but also insider jargon. “They were using acronyms, terms, sustainable ideas that I was able to look into. I would see a word, or a term or acronym that I didn’t know before, and I would google it. I was building my knowledge in the field just by reading the discussion boards that other students had posted. So not only was the educational material from the professor helpful, I think reading other students’ work was very useful and valuable.”
Three credentials in one shot
One of the most appealing aspects of the program for Tom was the opportunity to earn two additional online certificates while completing the Master’s program – with no additional costs or time requirements. Tom chose to earn both. “I’ve always been a planner at heart, so the Sustainable Environmental Planning and Management (SEPM) Graduate Certificate was really intriguing to me. I also earned the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Graduate Certificate, which is basically a technology mapping certificate. That’s really in demand in the environmental field, and not a lot of people know how to do it. I thought that was really intriguing as well, and it really gave me an upper hand in the job market. So basically, rather than going and getting a whole separate GIS certificate and a separate SEPM certificate, I was able to just get everything done in one shot.”
Internships: Getting your foot in the door
One requirement of the MEEM program is to complete an internship (NRE 5830) or practicum (NRE 5850). After Tom completed a paid internship as a Sustainability Planner for the Town for Manchester, he figured it wouldn’t hurt to do a second internship. So while not required, he completed a second internship as a Communication Planner for Clean Water Action. This opportunity to jump into doing work in the field helped Tom feel increasingly confident that he’d made the right choice. “The further along I got into the program, the more I realized this was the right path. With anyone, I think it’s reasonable for someone to be scared to enter a new path when they don’t really know a lot about it, but I think that this program definitely reassured me that something was going to happen afterwards, especially with the internships. It kind of gave me job security before I even landed a new job.”
Indeed, completing these internships has proven pivotal to launching Tom’s environmental career. Just two months after graduating with his Master’s, Tom landed his new job as an Environmental Planner for the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments, one of nine regional governments in Connecticut. As Tom explains, “A lot of the people I work with have already had environmental jobs in the past. I didn’t. But I think just the fact that I was able to do two internships through the reputation of UConn got me in the door to this job. I think the connections that UConn brings to the table really help you when you’re building your resume and help you get your foot in the door for building your career.”
In addition to the knowledge, skills and experience he gained through the MEEM program, Tom explains that having the credential from UConn gave him a huge advantage entering the workforce. “UConn is very respected in the environmental community: The fact that everyone knows UConn and everyone uses their services, and their data, and their expertise already is a huge advantage. I think that really helped me when I was applying to jobs and made me a good candidate. I think, in Connecticut especially, the environmental community sees that UConn has a good reputation in terms of environmental work. I’ve seen that through many organizations that I work with. They really like to see someone who has been involved with UConn.”
Using knowledge and skills everyday
The knowledge and skills Tom learned in his courses have proven invaluable to his everyday practices in the field. While all the courses feel relevant for him, a few in particular stand out. “The GIS classes and the structured decision-making class were great in terms of being able to use on a regular basis in your career. The GIS classes were challenging but in a productive way. I think anything that teaches you a new skill should be that way. Your skills in GIS can really be powerful in doing educational outreach to tell your story of what you’re trying to do. I’m able to create maps and data on our website that are pretty helpful in communicating what we’re trying to present to our region. That visualization helps us make our point more impactful to the average citizen. So it’s something that’s great to use every day.”
As an Environmental Planner, the courses Tom took for the Sustainable Environmental Planning and Management Certificate are also especially relevant. “Those courses really gave me an opportunity to identify what I should and shouldn’t be doing, and how to bring my team at work together to solve an environmental issue. The structured decision-making class (NRE 5205 - Decision Methods in Natural Resources and the Environment) was really interesting. It taught you how to think through environmental challenges, and then apply that to your working life. So basically, it would teach you how to identify a problem, how to delegate who should be tackling this problem, and how to set your goals. I think I use what I learned in all the classes on a regular basis, but that one stands out because it’s something I use every day.”
Tom adds that he also appreciates the knowledge and skills he gained from the required law course, Law 7812 - Energy Regulation and Policy. “At my job, we look at a lot of regulations and laws because we can’t just do whatever we want. I think that this program definitely helped me learn how to navigate environmental laws and realize my scope of practice, what I can and can’t do, and where to look when I need guidance on a certain law so I can advise others.”
UConn: a respected resource in the field
Even after graduating, Tom continues to use UConn as a resource for the environmental projects he is working on. “UConn does a lot of research in the environmental field that I continue to use now for my job. They offer assistance and information for a lot of projects that we do in terms of giving us guidance, purveying us, and data. UConn never really leaves the conversation even after you graduate. A lot of people look up to UConn to give them some guidance and data they need to finish their work on the job.”
Today, Tom is deeply engaged in work he is passionate about. To others considering taking this leap, Tom encourages, “If you’ve graduated with a degree from a different field but you’re passionate about the environment, definitely go for it. You’re going to be in good hands. At first, I was kind of apprehensive, but it was definitely the right choice. It opened a huge door in my career path. I think this program will carry anyone into a good path. That’s really the main thing: It’s not too late to get into the environmental field – and it has, over the past three years, totally changed my career path to something that I’m passionate about.”

Luciana Granstrand
Online Master’s in Energy and Environmental Management (MEEM), Graduate Spring 2023
Relaunching Her Career
“The MEEM program helped me get back into the market and, more importantly, doing work I am passionate about to create a more equitable and sustainable environment. I’m extremely grateful to the professors that I had, and how the program was structured in a way that gave us all the knowledge and confidence that we need to apply for jobs and boost our career. I feel that it just opened the doors to put me back in the environmental field.” – Luciana Granstrand, Online Master’s in Energy and Environmental Management (MEEM), Graduate Spring 2023
Relaunching Her Career
As an Environmental Analyst, Luciana Granstrand is passionate about helping others implement sustainable environmental practices. When she relocated from Brazil to the U.S., Luciana recognized that she needed to further her education so she could become more knowledgeable about environmental practices and policies in the U.S. As a graduate of the Master’s in Energy and Environmental Management (MEEM) program at University of Connecticut (UConn), Luciana says earning this degree has been a game-changer in relaunching and developing her career in the environmental field.
Luciana is not new to the environmental field. She earned a BS in Environmental Studies in 2011, followed by a BS in Environmental Engineering in 2014. In Brazil, she had already launched her career as an Environmental Analyst. But when she relocated to the U.S. in 2017, she found herself struggling to find a job in her field. “Prior to this, I always worked in the environmental field with the Sustainable Materials Management (SMM) practices. But when I got here, I was struggling a lot to reestablish myself in my field. So I was like, ‘OK, I need to go back to school and learn how things work here in the U.S.’”
Searching the internet, Luciana discovered the Online Master’s of Energy and Environmental Management (MEEM) program at UConn. It was just what she was looking for. “When I saw the program, I thought, ‘Yes, this is something that I can do by taking one class per semester.’ And I don’t think time matters; it is flying by anyway. Learning about the environmental challenges facing the U.S. and Connecticut was what mattered most.”
Luciana admits to initially feeling apprehensive about juggling work and school: “I was afraid at the beginning to start this program. I wasn’t sure if I should do this, especially working full-time. But the program is designed in a way that is helpful for students, especially those who are working. If you are dedicated and invested in this, you can keep working, and since it’s online, time usually spent commuting can be used for studying.”
Flexibility to tailor pathway
One aspect of the program that Luciana found especially appealing was that before officially applying for the 30-credit Master’s program, she could first start by earning the 12-credit Sustainable Environment Planning and Management (SEPM) Certificate. Then if she chose to continue, those 12 credits would be transferable to her Master’s (MEEM) degree. This is what encouraged Luciana to test the waters. “I took just one class per semester, just to see if I could adjust myself to the program, and I loved it. So later on, I applied for the Master’s program.” Luciana began the SEPM certificate program in fall 2019, earning her certificate in summer 2021, and then graduating with her Master’s in spring 2023.
Throughout the program, Luciana appreciated the flexibility to tailor her pathway in ways that matched her own interests and career goals. “I think the best part of this program is that everybody can start together, but as you are moving in the program, you will learn that your skills will fit one portion of the program better than another. This program is unique in the sense it gives students these different routes that we can take. This flexibility is the best, especially if you’re not sure which direction you want to take. If you want to be a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) expert or an Environmental Planner or learn more about Environmental Law, you have the option to decide this later on, after you join the program. During the entire program, I didn’t feel that I was bound and that I had to go in one single direction. This is the greatest thing about the program: being able to go in the direction that you think makes sense for your career and for your personal choices.”
Feeling known by faculty
Because all the courses are online and asynchronous, Luciana did not expect much opportunity to connect with her professors. She was delighted to discover she was wrong. “I was so surprised. Because when you see an online course, you think, ‘Oh, the professor will just post the activities and the discussion boards online and then you have to complete it.’ But it wasn’t like that. Faculty are amazing. In addition to classes, some professors meet with us weekly. And they give you the opportunity to reach out.”
Luciana especially appreciated the ways her advisor, Dr. Chadwick (Chad) Rittenhouse, was actively involved in helping students carve out their future career path. “Faculty are so responsive, and they’re willing to help us – especially Professor Chad, our advisor. He’s so good: I don’t know how he has the time to answer all of us. Even with internships, he knows each of us based on our assignments and helps us find the perfect fit. Even though it’s an online program, we have this sense of being present in the classroom.”
Developing a network of relationships
Interacting with her classmates via the HuskyCT/Blackboard online discussion forum provided Luciana the opportunity to enhance her learning. “We had classmates from around the country. During the discussion boards, those students who are out of state would bring the perspective of the environmental policies or laws that are executed in their home states. So you get a wider-range of experience about what other states in the country are doing in the environmental field.”
In addition to discussion boards, Luciana explains that some of her courses required students to work together in a group. “This is another positive aspect of this program, because it’s hard to keep students together when it’s online. So the professors make sure that we’ll have an online collaboration with other students. Just, I think, to develop our work relationships.”
Having this opportunity to collaborate with her classmates has proven invaluable for Luciana in helping her develop a network of relationships in the field. “It’s really good to start those conversations and that network now because classmates will be really helpful. We have some folks in these classes that are professionals: They have been in the field for a while. Some even wrote me letters of recommendation. So that was really important to start these conversations with folks and take advantage of this collaboration with other students.”
Game-changer in relaunching and developing her career
Since beginning the program, Luciana has successfully reentered the environmental field and is now working as an Environmental Analyst for a state agency in Connecticut. “As soon as I finished my certificate, it was a game-changer. I was applying for jobs, and honestly, I got so many interviews. I started an internship with a town here in Connecticut in their planning department. I helped the town get a sustainable city certification. After the town got their certification, they offered me a full-time job. While finishing my Master’s program and working for the town, I received the job offer of my dreams from the state, which I took. I credit the certificate program and the internship requirement for the Master’s program for opening new doors that launched my career. The completion of my Master’s degree has helped me accelerate my career development with the state.”
Reflecting on how some of the relationships forged during the program continue to evolve in her workplace, Luciana adds, “Honestly, I’m pretty grateful because I developed some great working relationships during the program, and nowadays I work with three classmates. Since I know those folks, it’s different, because we already have this working relationship that we started a while ago. We can just help each other; we know what we’re each good at. We are pretty much tagging each other and partnering to make Connecticut a more sustainable place, which is pretty cool.”
Knowledge and skills applicable every day
In her role as an Environmental Analyst, Luciana works with Sustainable Materials Management (SMM). She explains, “SMM is when we use and reuse materials more effectively over their entire life cycles. It represents a change in how our society thinks about the use of natural resources and environmental protection. I help municipalities and other sectors of society in Connecticut to think about Sustainable Materials Management at the municipal level. Our goal is that municipalities, residents, and the commercial sector will reduce the amount of waste generated through state policies and programs that are implemented at the municipal level.”
The knowledge and skills Luciana learned in the program inform and guide her everyday work practices. One course that stands out for Luciana is LAW 7812 - Energy Regulation and Policy. “At my job, I have to be up to date on the environmental policies and regulations in the country and state. Every day, we get calls from residents or various sectors of society asking us questions. And honestly, the environmental law class helps me a lot every day. Because I know the principles, and I know the basic environmental policies, and it has helped give me direction in solving the questions and problems that I receive daily.”
Another especially helpful course was NRE 5205 - Decision Methods in Natural Resources and the Environment. “The skills that I learned in this class apply directly to my current career because part of my job is to help community decision-makers implement waste diversion programs. When it’s time for my group to present a project, we need to show the decision-makers what their options are, what values are associated with each option, and what they would gain economically, socially, and environmentally after they implement each option. I use the principles that I learned in this class to develop matrices to guide our decisions and how we present each model for a decision-maker at the municipal level.”
As a bilingual student who was still new to the cultural communication norms in the U.S., Luciana also values what she learned in a third course, NRE 5210 - Communications for Environmental Decision Makers. “This class was extremely helpful, not just because English is not my first language, but I was also able to learn methods and techniques to communicate effectively with different audiences. And since I am not from this country, I could learn how people here communicate. Because each country has a culture that is different, and every culture has a different way to approach a problem or to approach a conversation. I was able to understand the best approach to communicating in this culture in a professional way. So I really appreciated this class.”
Access to abundant campus resources
For Luciana, another key advantage of the program was the abundance of resources available to her as a student. “UConn has an awesome campus with lots of opportunities for students to take advantage of and grow while you are attending the university. Even though it’s an online program, don’t think that you’re not going to be part of the university community. I was using everything, like their library resources, attending all the professional fairs, and training for interviews.”
Access to these resources was especially beneficial to Luciana in helping her successfully pursue her degree while navigating a language barrier. “As a bilingual student, it can be hard and intimidating because it’s a Master’s program. But as a student, you have access to many tools and resources at the university. You can have counsellors. You can have help from different sectors, like for ESL students. You can also have tutors. So I totally recommend this program. As a bilingual student, your way will be harder because you have the language barrier. But it’s possible, especially if you invest your time and take advantage of all the resources that the university can offer.”
Reflecting on her journey, Luciana adds, “The MEEM program helped me get back into the market and, more importantly, doing work I am passionate about to create a more equitable and sustainable environment. I’m extremely grateful to the professors that I had, and how the program was structured in a way that gave us all the knowledge and confidence that we need to apply for jobs and boost our career. I feel that it just opened the doors to put me back in the environmental field.”

Nichole Pease
Online Master’s of Energy and Environmental Management (MEEM), Fall 2021 Graduate
Three in One
The entire program was well put together and positive. What I learned is very applicable to my job. If you are interested in getting into Environmental Management or Geographic Information Systems, this is the program you need to gain the knowledge, tools, and resources to propel your career.” — Nichole Pease, Online Master’s of Energy and Environmental Management (MEEM), Fall 2021 Graduate
Three in One
Nichole Pease not only earned her Master’s of Energy and Environmental Management (MEEM) degree from the University of Connecticut, but she also earned two online graduate certificates—Sustainable Environmental Planning and Management and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)—at the same time and at no additional cost.
Who would ever think that a Bachelor’s degree from a Criminal Justice College would lead to a career in energy crisis management? That is exactly what happened with Nichole Pease. While attending John Jay College of Criminal Justice CUNY in New York City, Nichole earned her BA in Fire and Emergency Service with a focus in Emergency Management. After receiving her degree, she worked in a variety of emergency management positions, as well as served in the Connecticut Air National Guard, specializing in Emergency Management and Readiness.
Since 2019, she has been employed by a large power utility in New York State. As a Crisis Management Program Manager, she is primarily responsible for managing the drill and exercise program that helps support the readiness of the agency. “When I took the job, I was particularly interested in working in the energy sector as well as leveraging the GIS skills I acquired in the University of Connecticut’s (UConn) Online Master’s of Energy and Environmental Management program (MEEM) program.”
Tuition waiver
Because Nichole was in Connecticut’s Air National Guard at the time, she was motivated to find a Master’s program offered by a college or university in the state. As she explains, “The Connecticut National Guard offered tuition waivers for Guard members who attended schools located in Connecticut. So I did some research online and found exactly what I was looking for, right here in my home state.”
She applied and was accepted into UConn’s Online Master’s of Energy and Environmental Management program. “I was thrilled,” says Nichole, who began the program in the spring 2019 term. “I was especially taken with the GIS component of the program and the fact that I could choose from nine different electives in the GIS field. I also loved that the entire program was online. I didn’t have to travel to a physical location and was able to work around my busy schedule.”
Nichole decided to take one course to start. “That felt like a good test to see if I would be able to do two courses simultaneously while working full time,” she says. Over the next two years, she completed a total of ten three-credit courses—four in GIS, one in law and the other five in environmental management and sustainability. The law course, LAW 7812 – Energy Regulation and Policy, turned out to be one of her favorites. “The professor provided many great case studies, primarily focused on companies suing the state over the rights to sell energy to other companies. I was able to learn all of the various acronyms and how many regulations became law.”
Other than LAW 7812, which she took on its own, each semester she paired a GIS course with an environmental course. “I liked mixing up coursework that way,” she says and adds: “With the GIS courses, you had to be online for longer durations of time. You couldn’t just work on a map halfway through and walk away. If you did, you’d lose where you were in the program.” And she adds, “I loved how the GIS courses built on each other, getting more and more complex. I now feel skilled in using GIS, which I believe will open up new opportunities at my company.”
Another course that hit home was an elective, NRE 5205 - Decision Methods in Natural Resources and the Environment. In fact, she draws on the knowledge she gained quite often in her job. “For my job in crisis management, when you have an emergency, you have to quickly brainstorm how to respond. The course focused on distinct types of decision-making and how to best present facts as you develop a plan to mitigate damage. It gave me so many great ideas about how to analyze a situation and make more structured and informed decisions. I also learned how to effectively present my solutions to get buy-in.”
In addition, Nichole appreciated how helpful her professors were. “They always gave us enough information to be able to do the assignments. They set up excellent discussion boards and were very responsive whenever I needed help. My advisor, Dr. Chadwick Rittenhouse, also helped me pair up the various courses I would take together, so that I could balance coursework requirements with my work demands.”
Anyone considering a fully online program like UConn’s Master’s of Energy and Environmental Management might wonder if you are able to get to know your classmates. For Nichole, that turned out to be a non-issue, primarily because many of the courses required group work. “For some of our courses, we were paired into one main group of six, then into three sets of two people, with each smaller team working together on a specific part of the project. We would pick a convenient time for everyone to participate in Zoom meetings. We used Google Docs to collaborate on one shared document. I definitely got to know many of my classmates quite well.”
In conclusion, Nichole says: “The entire program was well put together and positive. What I learned is very applicable to my job. If you are interested in getting into Environmental Management or GIS, this is the program you need to gain the knowledge, tools, and resources to propel your career. And everyone at UConn was very responsive. Unlike other programs I have done, UConn made it so easy for me to use my military wavier. And after applying and getting accepted into two online graduate certificate programs—UConn’s Sustainable Environmental Planning and Management and Geographic Information Systems—the credits I earned for my Master’s were automatically applied to those two certificate programs. I completed three programs for the price of one!”